Tight Tuning Pins

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 09:45:44 -0400

I tuned a 1908 Shaw upright 56" monster yesterday.  Someone restrung the
bass and put all oversized pins in (all sections have oversized pins). Many
are way over 200 inch-pounds torque. I spent two hours putting what is
likely the crappiest tuning I have ever given a piano on that %$#&ing  - my
arm is still in ice! Is there any reasonable treatment for too-tight tuning
pins on an old piano? A little WD-40? How about pin tightener - apply, wait
20 years (or until whenever I retire), and tune!? This thing is impossible
to tune well. I can put an acceptable tuning on a new 1098 or a new Baldwin
with the plastic pinblocks - but this thing - impossible! Should I recommend
that we sit there and twist each pin a full turn back and forth 300 times
before the next tuning? Anyone interested in doing this for me? Any
solutions (she is in love with the piano - I already suggested that she
consider replacement of instrument)? Thanks.

Terry Farrell

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