Del Fandrich articles 2

Newton Hunt
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 22:36:44 -0400

> Welll, last month Del and I.... 
>        Newton 
> Uh...yeah....I know.....and.....? 
> Stan Ryberg 

I learned about some really good local beer and ate some emu (?) but then
I'll eat anything once, as long as it has no more than four legs.  

I saw a lot of torn apart pianos, (Susan has sent some pictures) and stole
some ideas for when i set up my next shop (in the next life time) and he and
I yammered on about this and that while I was trying to grasp something of
the advanced ideas he is experimenting with.  The guy is just FULL of ideas
and wants to try more and more of them.  He is going to make his own piano,
to his own design, his way.  

He makes me want to go and tear out everything I have done in the past so I
can do it better.  Well, almost, after all, I am lazy you know.

Now for that beer...!  Yum!


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