You people are staring to scare me.

David Love
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 22:57:30 -0000

I always ask for 1/2 up front and my contract states balance upon completion 
and prior to redelivery.  When I am done I call the customer and let them 
know the balance due.  I ask them to please put a check in the mail and in 
the meantime I will arrange with the movers to pick up the piano.  It 
usually takes several days to arrange with the mover, enough so that the 
check should have arrived.  If several days pass and no check, I call to 
give information on the availability of the movers and ask "by the way, have 
you mailed the check".  Haven't had a problem.

David Love

>From: "Phil Bondi" <>
>To: "Pianotech List" <>
>Subject: You people are staring to scare me.
>Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:21:05 -0400
>I'm delivering a Baldwin R back to a customer later in, new
>hammers, etc. .. he gave me 1/3 up front.
>It was the easiest 'sell' I ever had for a re-'whatever'.
>Now, with all this talk about getting paid, I find myself getting a little
>scared because it WAS an easy sell for this re-whatever.
>I hope I'm wrong, and my paranoia is unfounded.

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