Wurlitzer music rack

Warren Fisher fish@communique.net
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 13:33:03 -0500


I have a 30 inch wide desk, but it was attached with three butt hinges instead
of the fixtures on the ends.  You could fill the hinge mortises and drill the
ends. It does have some veneer off between the outside mortises about 1/8X2"
on the left and much smaller on the right.  If you are interested, I could
email a picture.  The finish looks like mahogany (maybe).  It is a cut out
style with X's.


Larry Fisher wrote:

> Anyone got a wurly music rack laying around they want to sell, let me know.
>  larryf@pacifier.com
> The ones in the catalogs are too short.  From memory, I need one about 30"
> long .....  I think.
> Lar
>                                Larry Fisher RPT
>    specialist in players, retrofits, and other complicated stuff
>             Beau Dahnker pianos work best under water

Warren Fisher RPT                   Beginners & Lurkers
fish@Communique.net                 Basic Pianotech discussed
1422 Briarwood Dr.                  Ask any question.
Slidell, LA 70458-3102              fish@gs.verio.net

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