Gould's Yamaha

Kazuo Yoshizaki matrasimca@hotmail.com
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 10:51:50 -0400

I recently read the second edition of Frantz Mohr's book. I had the first
edition, but the second edition includes a new chapter about Gould, so I
bought this one too. Anyway, he says that Gould used a Yamaha for his
recording only once and that was his final recording session. From what he
wrote, I presume this particular recording was made after summer of 1982.
Now, I guess everybody knows that Gould's recording on the famous Goldberg
variations used a Yamaha, but the recording date for this album is Apr-May,
According to Otto Friedrich's book, he made several recordings in 1982 as

Feb 1982  Brahms/Ballades Op.10, at RCA Studio A
Apr 1982  Beethoven/Concerto No.2
June/July Brahms/Rhapsodies Op.79, at RCA Studio A
July 1982 Wagner/Siegfeld Idyll, at Tronto
Sept 1982 Strauss/Sonata in B minor, at RCA Studio A

Does anybody know on which recording(s) Gould used a Yamaha? Also,
Brahms/Rhapsodies doesn't sound like CD318 nor Yamaha when you compare it
with other albums, but Mr. Mohr says all the recordings except one used



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