Crown in New "D" board

Bill Ballard
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 07:36:07 -0400

At 5:08 AM -0400 6/29/01, Bdshull@AOL.COM wrote:
>  Why not calculate downbearing based on the crown in the board 
>(split the difference),
>or enough bearing to theoretically flatten the board?  Some combination of a
>theoretically ideal bearing and that resulting from the real-world crown in
>your new board, factoring your power/sustain goals based on usage and the
>acoustical environment of the piano, if known?

If I understand you correctly, this is what Chris Robinson started 
doing about ten years ago, the "zero bearing at zero crown" approach, 
I have no idea when he is still doing this, but you might check with 

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Filing the bridgepins sure puts a sparkle on the restringing, but is 
best done before the plate is re-installed"
     ...........recent shop journal entry

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