Buzz Problem

Maxpiano@AOL.COM Maxpiano@AOL.COM
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 22:21:53 EDT

In a message dated 6/28/01 5:52:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Where a nose bolt passes through the soundboard, look at the edge =
 of the wood with a bright light to see if there are layers (laminated).  =
 How to tell if it's delaminating, I don't know.
       Do the bridges rub against the plate or a plate strut anywhere?
               --Dave Nereson, RPT >>


It's very difficult to tell if there are laminations by looking at the hole.  
My judgement is that I am looking at a solid core faced with a veneer on both 
sides, and that the veneer is lifting somewhere near the nose bolt in the 
bass.  I've checked and checked the bridges for rubbing against the plate, 
and there seems to be clearance everywhere.

Thanks for the reply

Bill Maxim

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