Fw: hammer replacement

Newton Hunt nhunt@optonline.net
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:25:37 -0400

I ALWAYS use measured specifications whether I am ordering a set or boring
my own.  THere are a number of reasons for this.

I carefully measure the first and last section end string heights and BOTH
ends of the hammer center heights and measure the bore on the current set
and the angle of bore to shank.  Masons are hung at 91 degrees back angle.

I carefully calculate my bore distances and compare to current specs and
find out why there may be a difference.  I carefully calculate the
differences in height from one end of a section to the other end and if
needful bore to that difference if it exceeds .125 inches.

A good measurement is ten times more accurate than just looking at string

Bore angles are measure from the stretch to the string angles.  The bass
angle is reduced to half to permit hammer passing and the middle is allowed
not more than 15 degrees for the same reason.  Angles a

re divided into the number of hammers in the section and bored accordingly.  

This is not rocket science folks (as Del says) but it sure helps in getting
a nicer finish to a job.


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