Piano Needs Tuned.

Larry Fisher larryf@pacifier.com
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 08:08:30 -0700

Yeah, well she wrote to me via my website asking about rates and who's in
the area to do her piano and I returned her email with no suggestions and
an indication of my rates.

"doing real good" as compared to ..............  doing your own root
canal??  searching your septic tank for a diamond ring??  tuning a fleet of
15 Siberian spinets (unreadable decal/algebraic expressions)??  If that's
doing real good, I'll settle for trying to find a date in Opal, Wyoming
............  ok, then Egbert, Wyoming  ..........  Lynch??   Farthing??
Natrona??  Hingham, Wisconsin??  St. Paul, Arkansas??  

I didn't reply.


>Thank you for your reply, however, I found someone from out here to tune my 
>piano for me.  He only charges $45.00 so I am doing real good.  Thank you.  

                               Larry Fisher RPT
   specialist in players, retrofits, and other complicated stuff
            Beau Dahnker pianos work best under water

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