Agraffe vs capo

Delwin D Fandrich
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 07:39:30 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Farrell" <>
To: <>
Sent: June 27, 2001 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: Agraffe vs capo

> OK, but what form would "a well designed capo d'astro bar system, though
> necessarily with a V-bar" take?

There are several good possibilities. I like the inverted agraffe underneath
the capo d'astro bar as seen in various Chickering pianos (along with a very
few other makes). Another possibility is the separate silicon-bronze V-bar
casting attached to the bottom of the flat capo d'astro bar as I've
described before. Probably the best of the capo d'astro bar systems is that
used in the Baldwin SF-10 and SD-10 which has individual string termination
pieces for each note. The present configuration has some problems with
string geometry--and, consequently, string noises--but the idea has much
merit. With just a slight bit of redesign--and no additional cost--this
would probably be one of the best capo-d'astro systems to date.

Whichever style of string termination is used, it always goes back to
providing appropriate string geometry--here goes again--as outlined in my
articles on the subject. Keep the duplex reasonably short and the string
termination deflection angles appropriate to the duplex length.

-- ddf

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