hammer replacement

Susan Kline sckline@home.com
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 06:43:08 -0700

At 07:40 PM 06/27/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>The action handbook says a blow distance of 1 7/8", but the Schaff 
>catalogue says to "measure from the center of the bore hole to the top of 
>the felt, allowing for wear on #88 hammer."  Whoa... what the heck does 
>this mean when I have already shaped the hammers and taken off felt?

Hi, John

This means that you have to guess how much is missing. Measure the bore 
distance in other parts of the treble and tenor, too, where it'll be easier 
to mentally restore the original shape: if you get the same figure over and 
over, this is probably the original bore distance.

If you haven't done this sort of job much, you might like to send samples 
(the old hammers still  mounted to their shanks) to Schaff or Wally Brooks 
and have them do the boring and shaping. If you decide to shape the tails 
yourself, and have a sanding disk, Bill Spurlock's jig is fantastic.

Good luck ...


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