Replacing Bass Strings

Thu, 28 Jun 2001 09:42:21 -0400

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Replacing bass strings? RESCALE. I have David Sanderson @ Sanderson =
AccuString - - do my rescaling and string making. =
Dynomite results.

I highly recommend rescaling and getting your strings from a =
premium-quality string maker.

Will the plate be safe? I would not worry about it, but then I don't =
feel qualified to render an opinion. Although I will say that I did this =
exact same thing to a Mathushek grand with no problem.=20

Terry Farrell=20
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Ed Carwithen=20
  To: Piano Tech List=20
  Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 11:23 PM
  Subject: Replacing Bass Strings

  Dear List;

  Have been asked to replace all bass strings on the Hamilton/Baldwin 5' =
grand I am working on.  I recall others mentioning that there was no =
need to loosen the other strings when replacing the wound bass strings.  =
The harp seems particularly sturdy in this piano with struts on both =
sides of the section.  I would like to be able to replace the felt under =
the front duplex section which would require having all the strings off =
at the same time.  Would this be safe?  Putting the harp in danger of =
cracking is NOT an option.  What say ye???

  Ed Carwithen
  John Day, OR

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