Agraffe vs capo

Richard Moody
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 22:17:10 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Phillip L Ford <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 11:38 PM
Subject: Agraffe vs capo

| ------------------------
| How do you feel about the system that Chickering used for a time.  A
capo bar with half agraffes screwed to the underside.  I always felt
that this system combined the best of both worlds.
| ------------------------
| Phil Ford

I have a Chickering grand called "Anniversary" with these half
agraffes screwed to the underside of the capo bar.  If restringing I
am wondering if I need to replace these where would I find
replacements and how would actually replace them?   Do they have
shoulders like regular agraffes?  So would I adjust the height by
shimming?  And just how would I adjust the height with the plate out
of the piano upside down?  Anyone ever done this?    One more reason
to  leave them in unless they are really causing problems  with
the old strings which they are not, but what if they do not like the
strings?    ---ric

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