Water damage

Lance Lafargue lancelafargue@bellsouth.net
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 18:38:10 -0500

Hey Brian,
Remember the CRC.  The bottoms of the piano will probably flair out as the
wood expands, etc.  Also, lots of easing of the action, keys, balance rail
holes, scotch brite the strings if they are rusting.  I doubt that ribs will
come loose in the short term on a Yamaha, but maybe later.  Damper felt will
have a shorter life, pedal bushings, and the piano in general because of
this.  This is tough with insurance and all.  If it were mine, I'd want a
new one, but I did over 75 the last few years and many I still see, doing
OK.  A Dampp-Chaser installation (50 watts w/H-2) weeks ago would have been
my first move!
Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org]On Behalf
Of Brian Trout
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 6:03 PM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Water damage

Hi List,

I'm kind of new to the idea of water damage.  I know
it's been a topic that many of you have had to deal
with before, but somehow, I've remained relatively
unacquainted with it.

I have an appointment to evaluate a 6 year old Yamaha
upright day after tomorrow that was in aprox. 5 inches
of water for about 2 hours.

I feel pretty confident that it'll need work done to
the pedal assemblies / trapwork.  I was expecting
that.  I also suspect that there'll be some rust on
the strings as well.

I'm a bit more concerned about whether I would be
likely to find a soundboard glue joint severely
weakened or the case (aren't these things being made
with a fair bit of flakeboard?) being damaged or even
coming apart by the water having soaked into the wood

Would any of you care to offer any words of input that
might be specific to a Yamaha product?  Or, even
general thoughts if you'd like?  It's one I'm not sure
how comfortable I feel about.  (Just not sure how big
a can of worms I'm opening.)

Oh, and if it matters, it's a matter of them wanting
to know the extent of the damage for an insurance

If you feel like it might be clogging the list, feel
free to contact me off list.




Brian Trout
Grand Restorations
3090 Gause Blvd., #202
Slidell, LA  70461

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