Singapore G3

Tom J Armstrong
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 13:10:32 -0700

Hello Mark!

I am a RPT in Salinas, California.  I've met and talked to you before at

I just worked on a Yamaha G3 for a customer who bought it used in
Singapore.  They just moved to California.  Our area here is moderate in

Everything seems to have survived the move well.  The pitch was
surprisingly close (they had a nice climate controlled home there).  It
has only 2 pedals, the tuning pins are somewhat rusty, but the strings
are nice and shiny.  I believe the wire is tin plated.  I tightened all
the action screws, but they were not any looser than I would usually see
in a U.S. piano.  The serial number is in the 3,000,000 range.

Since this piano was not made for US consumption, was I correct in
suggesting they plan on keeping it in a moderate or humid climate?  They
may move in the future to Salt Lake City, Utah or Bahrain (by Saudi

I told them that they may be better off leaving it behind if they go to
such dry areas.  What do you suggest?

-Tom Armstrong

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