Agraffe tuning easier or not?

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 22:32:35 -0500

>We do want a piano that can be made stable easily and quickly by the
>technician. The pianos with agraffes all the way offer that, and are better
>than a v-bar from that point of view.

Hi Don,
I'll have to disagree here on a couple of points. First, the technician
doesn't make any system stable. He/she can make it unstable with poor
tuning technique, but can't make an inherently unstable system stable with
just tuning. Any other methods of enhancing stability are neither quick,
nor easy, nor a standard field repair.

Second, agraffes don't make the system inherently more stable than a capo.
They may require a little different tuning technique, but there won't be
any real difference in stability.

Ron N

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