Water damage

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 17:12:48 -0500


Thanks. This one got to within 1/8" of the bottom of the soundboard.
Another one I was called about got all the way over the soundboard.


At 09:17 AM 06/26/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Here is a copy of a letter that I have sent in the past:
>Yamaha doesn't have a set policy regarding the effects water can have on 
>our pianos, and their warranty.  Each case must be considered 
>individually.  We do, however, maintain that any piano that has been 
>directly exposed to water has been damaged to some degree.  The damage is 
>not always visible, however, and may not surface for a considerable period 
>of time.
>The degree of damage depends on what part of the piano was exposed, and 
>for how long, of course.  But as a general rule we consider the 
>reliability of any portion of the piano that is submerged or inundated, 
>for any amount of time, to be compromised.  If exposure to water includes 
>the rim or other non-replaceable components, as stated above, we would not 
>hesitate to total out the entire piano, less the salvageable parts.
>Mark Wisner
>Application Specialist
>Piano Service
>Mark Wisner
>Piano Service
>Yamaha Corporation

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