new piano

David M. Porritt
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 06:25:38 -0500


I have a small bill in to Baldwin also - even less than yours.  I have received a notice from the Bankruptcy Court about the bill.  I have to reply by November to be considered for payment.  It also instructs me not to ask Baldwin for payment on this because it is part of the bankruptcy proceedings.  Good luck!


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On 6/25/01 at 6:55 PM Avery Todd wrote:

>Hi Les,
>At 06:25 PM 06/25/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>Avery- thanks for "speaking up" about the local situation.  I tend to be
>>naive at first, then, well........    No the dealers, except for the
>>Steinway one, and they charge prices that allow them more prep-leeway,
>>don't do much prep work.
>Except for the Steinway dealer, none do, as far as I know. That's why I
>work for the Baldwin/Yamaha dealer in Beaumont! :-)
>Now, I wonder if I'll get paid for all the work I did on the Baldwin C & A
>'SD-10' here? I doubt it. I just feel sorry for the mover here who did so
>much work for them when Abbey Simon was giving several concerts
>in Texas. :-( About $8,000.00 worth. Makes my $1,000.00 + seem
>piddley by comparison.
>>Thanks for responses.
>Yeah, I've done so much store work over the years that I get pretty
>bent out of shape about it, too.
>>les bartlett
>P.S. I've gotten the Chapter 11 forms to send them a claim. Anyone
>else receive this?

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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