new piano

Avery Todd
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 18:55:27 -0500

Hi Les,

At 06:25 PM 06/25/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Avery- thanks for "speaking up" about the local situation.  I tend to be
>naive at first, then, well........    No the dealers, except for the
>Steinway one, and they charge prices that allow them more prep-leeway,
>don't do much prep work.

Except for the Steinway dealer, none do, as far as I know. That's why I
work for the Baldwin/Yamaha dealer in Beaumont! :-)

Now, I wonder if I'll get paid for all the work I did on the Baldwin C & A
'SD-10' here? I doubt it. I just feel sorry for the mover here who did so
much work for them when Abbey Simon was giving several concerts
in Texas. :-( About $8,000.00 worth. Makes my $1,000.00 + seem
piddley by comparison.

>Thanks for responses.

Yeah, I've done so much store work over the years that I get pretty
bent out of shape about it, too.


>les bartlett

P.S. I've gotten the Chapter 11 forms to send them a claim. Anyone
else receive this? 

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