new piano

Leslie W Bartlett
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 18:25:10 -0500

Avery- thanks for "speaking up" about the local situation.  I tend to be
naive at first, then, well........    No the dealers, except for the
Steinway one, and they charge prices that allow them more prep-leeway,
don't do much prep work.

The customer said, "Already I hate the store"- this was before I had
shown her how far the piano was out of tune. I feel caught.  I can't
badmouth the stores, because they do have ears. Yet, I couldn't charge
them extra (could have, but think I wisely chose not to) for major pitch
raise.  I DID tell them I thought I could make it relatively stable in
two trips.   (Free publicity for
TUNELAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  I fiddled
with the program and think, after two times I have the center about +3
and the top, when I finished the second pass settled to +0.   Next time,
I hope to set the thing so it might stay about +5 (that's cents by the
way), and it might hold.......

But it seems to me the independent tech gets beaten from both ends, and
only loses, no matter which way he turns.   For you store owners who are
crazy enough to thoroughly prepare the pianos for the customers-  OH WHY
don't you move to Houston?     (Yes I know there are a thousand truly
legit reasons NOT to....)
Thanks for responses.
les bartlett

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