Flood Insurance Claims

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 18:16:34 -0500


Can some of the serious rebuilders on the list give me some
reasons to condemn a piano that's been in a flood? Besides
the obvious, of course.

The water was within 1/8" of the soundboard, so new keys, all
new action, new damper underlevers, new pedal system, glue
joints on the legs and veneer coming unglued on the legs and
pedal lyre, corrosion on the strings (especially the bass strings)

I've got to write a letter for the customers to give to their insurance
agent and I'd appreciate any more information than the above to
help them get a new piano. As if that isn't enough. :-)

The second piano I was called about, the water was over the
soundboard! I need letters for both of them. Anyone have
letters in their database to insurance agents that they've already
been successful with for flood damage? Thanks.


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