Streaks in Cedar (OT)

Mon, 25 Jun 2001 08:43:06 -0500

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Thanks for the  reply. I have most of the items listed.  The deck =
cleaner caught my eye because it is supposed to restore color in the =
cleaning process. Finishing the cedar is not an option.  We decided not =
to finish it after we lined our shower room with cedar. It Gives the =
room a pleasant fragrance we enjoy. The streaks run from ceiling to =
floor, so covering them won't work.

Paul Chick
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 9:08 PM
  Subject: Re: Streaks in Cedar (OT)

  Hi Paul -

  I would try, in this order...

  mineral spirits
  lacquer thinner
  alcohol and water
  judicious sanding
  VERY judicious use of oxalic acid (i.e.-with artist brush)

  BTW...How big of a streak is it?

  I have never used a deck cleaner, but would suspect you would be =
bleaching some color out of the cedar.  Might be tricky making that =
blend back in. =20

  I would not recommend a finish of any kind, as that will act to seal =
in the wonderful aroma of the cedar so that you will not be able to =
lightly sand the surfaces to renew it's lovely fragrance, and very =
likely would not serve to camouflage the water mark, either.  =20

  First try to remove the discoloration,=20
  if that fails,=20
  try to disguise it.

  Maybe some well placed artwork?
  A quilt?
  A piano?

  Good luck, Paul.... you might need it!

  Mark Potter

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