bass string differences

Newton Hunt
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 19:07:12 -0400

For several days now I have watched Ari Isaac make bass strings.

When a request for a set comes in he evaluates it on the computer and
makes some changes to bring up the power and other factors.

The strings are swaged, hydraulically, by his assistant, Marie, then Ari
putts the string on the lathe and winds that string with the appropriate
copper.  There are a number of interesting techniques that he wishes not
to have disclosed, but I think the end result is a superior string with
far less falseness and far fewer "mistakes" in scaling than many will

He has enough experience to know when a string is wrong, wrong core,
wrong wrap  for a particular length.  I have watched him carefully test
a string while it is still on the lathe and throw it out when he is not
satisfied with the sound of that string.  

The whole process is extremely interesting.  It is time consuming and
may involve as much as four hours start to finish.  That is to the
customer's advantage.

Try them, I think you will like much of what he does.

I use them.

		Newton (from Toronto)

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