new piano

Eugenia Carter
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 17:49:51 -0400

Hi Les,

Give them a copy of the PTG brochure "How Often Should My Piano Be
Serviced;" or, if they have internet access, direct them to which is the brochure online; or and have them click on "Tech Talk."

>From that Kawai page:
"Tuning and Service:

"All pianos need to be tuned regularly. The amount of time between tunings
for a fine instrument depends on many factors, especially the stability of
the temperature and humidity and the amount of use the piano receives. In
general, Kawai recommends 2 to 4 tunings per year. However, your piano
technician can best recommend the appropriate interval for your specific
environmental conditions and use.

"Pianos also need to be serviced in ways other than simple tuning. The
action mechanism and the hammers are subject to wear through use. Periodic
voicing and regulation will keep the piano sounding its best throughout the
life of the instrument. In general, if the touch or tone of your piano seems
uneven, difficult to control, or the notes do not repeat well, you should
speak with your technician about the need for regulation and voicing."


----- Original Message -----
From: "Leslie W Bartlett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 11:15 PM
Subject: new piano

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