Damp Chaser for Square Grand

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:19:50 -0400

Just curious, for what reason did you tune the piano 135 cents flat? You
mention it appeared that the instrument had been restrung, so the strings
should be A-OK for standard pitch. If the owner is considering installing a
humidity-control system, I can only assume they would be willing to pay for
two or three pitch raises. Or did they just have real low voices?

I would suppose you know what I am getting at here. I don't mean to pick on
you Jim (I realize there may indeed be a good reason for tuning at lower
pitch). This post simply presents the opportunity to make a point that
(IMHO) needs repeating.

Aside from this particular situation, quite often (maybe at least once a
week) I go to a new client whose 1906 prized Wurlitzer grand (or upright) is
a half-step (or whatever) flat and start talking to them about a pitch
raise. Then they quote that horrible phrase: "the last tuner said the piano
could not be tuned at standard pitch because it is too old." I pitch raise
at least 200 pianos a year (most are big pitch raises, and a lot of 'em are
OLD) and I think I have only left three or four pianos flat over the last
three years.

Those old below-pitch pie-annas with blubby-Tubby bass strings often
brighten right up (or at least sound a lot better) when they are brought up
to pitch. I'll point that out to the customer, and watch their eyes bug out
of their head while I bring up the pitch on a bass string.

Anyway, just seems like a point that needs to be made occasionally.

Terry Farrell

----- Original Message -----
From: <Jlovekeys@AOL.COM>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 6:25 PM
Subject: Damp Chaser for Square Grand

> Dear list,  I recently did a tuning for a customer that had a 1870
> square grand.  Since they paid $3000 for in ( on Ebay), they would like to
> preserve their investment. I told them I would inquire about the
> of installing a damp-chaser system.  Does anyone have any experience or
> advise as to what sort of system would be suitable for this beast?  The
> had probably been restrung at some point as  modern tuning pins were
> installed and most were fairly tight, though I tuned it where it was at
> 135 cents flat of A440. Any help here appreciated.
> Jim Love
> PTG Associate
> Midland, Tx.

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