FW: Yamaha service bond

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:03:58 EDT

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In a message dated 6/24/01 7:17:54 AM Central Daylight Time, 
rbrekne@broadpark.no (Richard Brekne) writes:

> If you are talking about one particular...name given dealership... me thinks 
> you should be more carefull how you word things... this sounds ,,,, in such 
> an instance,,,,, bordering on liable. 
> >>   
> Otherwise I am sure we all have run into these kinds... and I am amoung the 
> first to get ticked off about that and similiar kinds of shaddyness.   

First of all, Richard, the word you intend is "libel", not "liable".  This is 
one instance where spelling does matter.  I am not the least bit concerned 
about being *liable* for *libel*.

If you only knew the frustration of having to live in a community where the 
Yamaha dealer thrives entirely on hype, not on substance and certainly not on 
service!  I have complained about it to the dealer itself, many, many times 
and I have complained to Yamaha itself about it too. 

Dampp-Chaser has sent them copies of Yamaha's and other manufacturer's 
position on use of its products and still now and for over 20 years the 
salesmen and the technicians shoot themselves in the foot by libeling 
Dampp-Chaser.  Sometimes, the reality of the truth is just too hard to accept 
and believe.  We'd rather believe in fairy tales.  Ever hear the story about 
the emperor who had no clothes?  Or how about the line from the Phantom of 
the Opera, "Close your eyes and the truth will be what it *ought* to be".

It is simply a much easier task to go in, spend 15-20 minutes doing whatever, 
then check all the boxes and sign your name and collect the money rather than 
actually service the piano according to industry and manufacturer 
specifications and norms.  That is what is done and that is all that is done.

Sure, the dealer can "prove" the Service Bonds were all done:  all of the 
boxes were checked and the technician's and customer's signature is on the 
card!  What more proof do you need?!  All of those rattling flanges, 
misaligned hammers, lost motion in verticals and hammers resting on the rail 
in grands are simply the result of the piano needing basic service *again*, 
not proof that it was never done!

If you believe that, I know of a bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan I'd like 
to sell you.  To me, this phony piano salesman sending his hype to this List 
is about as offensive as Bill Clinton pointing his finger at the entire 
nation (and the rest of the world for that matter) and saying, "I did not 
have sexual relations with that woman!".  He knows damn well that his 
technicians do not do that work, never have and never will.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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