Moving Piano to Hawaii

Ray T. Bentley
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 07:44:00 -0500

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Aloha, Jim,

I have had some experience with pianos coming to the St. Louis area from =
Colorado.  You will need to have it tuned frequently during the first =
year to keep the pitch from rising too high.  As humidity is absorbed =
into a piano, the pitch rises.  You can expect it to rise as much as a =
half step or more in some areas of the piano.  This rise may be enough =
to break some strings, particularly in a piano of this vintage.  I have =
seen it happen here.

Otherwise, some action parts may become sluggish, but a good technician =
should be able to remedy that situation.  Careful consideration should =
be given to whether the piano is worth the cost of transporting it to =
Hawaii.  Chances are that it will cost more than its value to move it.

Hope this is of some help.


Ray T. Bentley, RPT
Alton, IL

"Live one day at a time, and make it a masterpiece!"

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