FW: Yamaha service bond

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 19:54:51 EDT

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> Here's something you can forward to the list. (The rest of the 100% pure 

If only as much time were actually spent at that dealership actually working 
on pianos as was spent writing the biggest piece of meaningless crap I have 
ever read on this list to date, it would be nice.

The truth is that these service bonds are NEVER done by that dealership 
because it does NOT pay the technician to do them.  They spend a little time 
turning the tuning pins and maybe sometimes tightening a few of the screws 
that are easy to reach, then leave the piano to go to ruin rather hastily.

When I see a piano from that dealership that has really, honestly had the 
Yamaha Service Bond done on it, I'll cry, "Hallelujah!  This must be the 

Mind you, this is the dealer who still consistently DIS-recommends 
Dampp-Chaser products, telling the customer that it stresses the piano and 
will VOID the warranty.

Know when you are reading hype folks.  I was brought up to trust what people 
say and to take them at face value.  I've had to learn the hard way not to do 

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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