bridle strap - was Re: 1902 Conover upright jack lever

Richard Brekne
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 11:44:08 +0200

Just one other thought as to the part of this that has to do with the debate
about the purpose of the bridle strap itself.

One of the earlier actions this little puppie turns up in is the tape action
attributed to Robert Wornum. There is a Belgium patent from 1832 for an action
using this tape (or bridle strap) by a Hermann Lichthenthal. Looking at a
drawing of a version of this action from 1842 (roughly) the similarity to modern
upright action is striking. It was an overdamper action actually, with the jack
escapement adjustment screw accessed from the back side of the action, and the
hammer flanged screwed in from the top.

The stated purpose for this tape, (which btw did indeed also hold the whippen up
when the action was removed) was to prevent blubbering.

I quote..."Its purpose was to preven teh hammers bouncing back on to the string
after striking"... Harding 1933, 1978

So here is a third explanation for such a strap, and in this case the stated
purpose is documented in the patent itself if I read correctly.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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