bridle strap - was Re: 1902 Conover upright jack lever
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 19:06:23 -0500

>..The current question
>"The primary function of the bridle strap is:"
>A)-To speed repetition
>B)-To keep the jack from falling below the butt felt during action removal
>and installation...
>The answer used to be B, now it is A...

Mike, Ron, LIst,

I disagree with the primary function being A.  Maybee a secondary function
does exist with bridle straps assisting repetition when properly regulated,
but I don't believe for a moment that was their intended primary purpose.

And this Conover design does add some credibility to such a belief by the
ommission of the bridle strap/wire parts altogether.  At least, that's how
I view it.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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