Early Asian pianos

Overs Pianos sec@overspianos.com.au
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 07:46:39 +1000


>Here is the problem, the film thickness is certainly more than 0.6mm.

Sorry Andrew, I have come onto this thread late in the event (been 
distracted with work). From what you've written I conclude that the 
piano you have a problem with is a Yamaha. I too have seen Yamaha's 
with a film thickness of more than 0.6 mm, but it is the exception 
rather than the rule in the case of Yamaha (0.6 mm is Yamaha's 
factory spec.)

>Am I to
>understand that this is not a stable situation and even after 30 years
>deterioration will continue?

I'd say it will. If its cracking up I'd get rid of it.

>So maybe a heat gun will be my newest toy.

We struggled for many years with unsatisfactory approaches to 
stripping polyester. The heat gun approach was a revelation. Be 
careful with it and the scraper and you can do a good quick job 
without damaging the veneer.


Ron O.


Website:  http://www.overspianos.com.au
Email:        mailto:ron@overspianos.com.au

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