Yamaha service bond

Glenn Grafton glenn@graftonpiano.com
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 08:18:34 -0400

Kevin E. Ramsey wrote:
>Actually, what I have  probably predates the card. I have a sheet of
>instructions for completing the Service Bond. It's probably circa 1985 or
>so, but I don't think that they've changed things that much. I'm sure we'll
>hear if they have.

Dave Nereson wrote:
>As I mentioned, Yamaha may have phased out the service bond program
>years ago, or maybe they left it up to the dealers, if they wanted to
>provide the service.  Yes, the dealers paid us (technicians) to do the
>"first free tuning" and, 6 months later, the service bond, then they were
>reimbursed, at least partially, by Yamaha.  We didn't get much, but it was a
>good way for a technician just starting out to build up a clientele of
>people with brand new Yamahas.  --Dave Nereson, RPT

Here's the scoop on the Yamaha Service Bond:
The Service Bond Program has not been phased out. The vertical pianos 
come off the Yamaha truck with a hang tag specifically outlining what 
service is to be done (pre-delivery tuning, initial home tuning, 2nd 
home tuning and a check list of items to adjust)

In the past the dealer had two cards to return to Yamaha, one for the 
first in home tuning, one for the second home tuning and adjustments/ 

Presently there is only one card that the dealer has to return to 
Yamaha. There's a place for the piano technician and the customer to 
sign, as well as a check list on the card for what's to be done.

Do all dealers adhere to the above? No, some take off the hang tags 
from the pianos, do one tuning in the home, fill out the card and 
pocket the $35 they get from Yamaha.
Glenn Grafton
Grafton Piano & Organ Co.
1081 County Line Rd.
Souderton PA 18964

The box said "Requires Windows 95, or better." So I bought a Macintosh.

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