Yamaha service bond

Lance Lafargue lancelafargue@bellsouth.net
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 15:33:10 -0500

Dave Clark Kevin,
I've seen the card you're talking about and a salesman briefly described it
to me a couple of years ago, but when I called Yamaha (I won't say who) said
they had never heard of such a thing and acted like I was nuts.  So, who
pays for the "free" tuning and who pays for the "service bond"?  Does dealer
pay for both and Yamaha reimburses?  Thanks,
Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org]On Behalf
Of Dave Nereson
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 2:12 AM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Yamaha service bond

to Lance Lafargue:  I worked for a Yamaha dealer in the 80's and we
routinely did Yamaha Service Bonds.  First, new Yamaha piano owners got a
"free" tuning with purchase of the piano, then 6 months later, got the
Service Bond.  There was a Yamaha-issued card you took with you, which had
the procedure on it, which you checked off as you went, then upon
completion, you signed it, got the piano owner's signature also, and the
dealer returned them to Yamaha.
    I think they much preferred that the technician had attended the Little
Red Schoolhouse service program in Buena Park, CA.
    It consisted of mainly screw tightening all around the piano, and all
the action screws, then checking and touching-up the regulation, pedals, and
doing a tuning.  Usually took a little over 2 hours on a vertical and 3 or
more on a grand, depending how badly out the regulation was.
         But I haven't worked for a Yamaha dealer since '87.  I don't know
if they phased out the Service Bond, or if they only pay for it if the
customer finds out about and/or requests it.  --Dave Nereson, RPT

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