FWD: Is complete 5-Part Dampp-chaser unit always necessary?

larudee@pacbell.net larudee@pacbell.net
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 07:21:55 -0700

Farrell wrote:

> Then, what happens when RH goes up to 75% or more? I should think that it
> means that the system would just stay on, and not lower RH to the targeted
> value, if it is apparently maxxed out trying to lower piano RH when room RH
> is at 65%.

I don't know that it is actually completely maxxed out at 65%, since I
don't sit
there and monitor it.  However, that is exactly what I am trying to
achieve - to
max out the system at the upper end, so that there is less cycling.  The
sizes I
use for our climate seem to work.  There is little if any problem with
going sharp, even if they were last tuned at 40%.  Now, they may slip
sharp at
the very top end, but that happens rarely enough not to be a significant


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