Supporting the pinblock

Susan Kline
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 06:22:40 -0700

At 06:06 AM 06/21/2001 -0700, Brian wrote:
>Overdramatization would be trying to drive a nail into
>a 2 X 4 while you were just holding it in freehanded
>style in the air as opposed to trying to nail the same
>nail in the same 2 X 4 with the same hammer while it
>was sitting securely on a concrete floor.

The difference being that some keybeds aren't as secure
as concrete floors. I remember at school Ted Sambell used
to support the keybed with a house jack when stringing,
as well as supporting the pinblock from the keybed.
That _did_ support the pinblock from a concrete floor.


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