Piano choice. Thoughts please

David Boyce David@bouncer.force9.co.uk
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 00:42:05 +0100

Hi again folks,

I forgot to say that when I was back in Jaques Samuels piano shop looking
at the Fazioli again the next day (Tuesday) the tuner came in and tuned it
- a blind tuner called Jeff (Geoff?) Lloyd.  He was quite happy for me to
stay while he worked. I was pleased to note that, like me, he doesn't
wildly stretch the high treble, and he spoke disparagingly of those who end
up half a semitone sharp at the top.  (Also nice to see that the Fazioli
was well-behaved and tuned beautifully).

Also, I noticed in Steinway Hall on Monday that their tuner was using a
Papps wedge on an upright, not a continuous felt muting strip.

So that was two of my tuning prejudices confirmed on that trip!

Best regards,


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