Del Fandrich Soundboard Articles

Wed, 20 Jun 2001 15:45:55 -0400

Hello anyone. Hello Del. I have read Del's posts that often refer to a
suggestion of "please read my articles". Well, I finally received my 20 year
Journal CD-ROMS and my Journal Reprint CD (I have had the bound reprints,
but the CD is soooooooo much better - you can see all the photos with good
detail!). I have only been a member of the PTG for three years, so I never
had the old Journals. I have likely spent at least 10 hours trying to make
the search thingee work. I have only achieved limited success. I wish to
locate all of Del's articles that are related to soundboard and the like. I
found a bunch of Fandrich writing on adhesives. I was thrilled to find a
couple things on his 48" piano from '93 or so. But I have found nothing yet
on soundboards. Do you have a list of any kind Del with the Journal the
article appears in? Does anyone have such information? Thanks for any little

Terry Farrell

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