Piano choice. Thoughts please

David Boyce David@bouncer.force9.co.uk
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:25:20 +0100

Hi folks,

I had a lovely day on Monday (and also part of Tuesday) trying out various
grands in London showrooms!

In addition to piano tuning, I teach media stuff in a college. Music has
been a growth area and a new music lecturer has persuaded senior management
that we need a good grand piano.  It will be used quite a bit for
recording, and for some performance. A new music suite is under
construction, coverting from a gymnasium.  The configration of this area
will be arranged to suit the chosen pino so it's an ideal scenario.

I took the new music lecturer, Marc, round some London showrooms.  I had
thought to look at Bostons or similar, but it seems the budget might run to
something better!

Attractive propositions are: A new Steinway AS model, (a slightly less well
finished A designed for schools).  Also available, which we tried and liked
a lot, are a very competitively priced Bosendorfer 225 (7' 4") which is a
1998 hire piano which looks and sounds and feels lovely (I'm a bit of a
Bosendorfer fan) and a beautiful, powerful Fazioli of the same size, but
it's 37 thousand pounds sterling as opposed to 26500 for the Bosendorfer. 
(A Steinway AS would cost about 23 thousand pounds).
There were also a couiple of reconditioned 100yr old Steinway B's at 20,000
pounds. (tho I bear in mind all the recent discussion on new vs old!).

What do you think folks - especiallu those in UK?  Especially, what would
you reckon between the Fazioli and the Bosendorfer?  (The Steinway AS is
not comparing like with like as it's smaller of course).

All comments/suggestions welcome!

David Boyce

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