pinblock drills and drift

jolly roger
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 10:34:53 -0500

HI John,
              You got it right,  trust Andre to have a no brainer solution.
 So simple as usual.
Now I thought you were sleeping through that part.
Regards Roger.

At 07:22 AM 6/20/01 -0300, you wrote:
>I was at a class, recently, where Andre Bolduc, replaced a pinblock in
>a Steinway. He did it in 3 hrs, and it included drilling the tuning pin
>Previously, I had just used a centre punch, and dimpled the location
>for the drilling of the pinblock holes. He said use drill bit that just
>fits in the plate hole, and just start it, and remove. Then when you
>remove the block, to drill at the drill press with the proper size bit
>for the pins, there is no wandering, as the V dimple fits the profile
>of the drill tip.
>I think I got his explanation right, and I hope it would solve the
>problem of keeping the drill at the exact position you want it.
>John M. Ross
>Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
>----- Original Message -----

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