FWD: Is complete 5-Part Dampp-chaser unit always necessary?

Roger Wheelock roger@dampp-chaser.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:35:28 -0400

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Hello list,

Dampp-Chaser is in general agreement with the comments posted on this =
topic.  Our major concern is that a Dehumidifier will be installed =
without a Humidistat.

Don Rose's point about bringing cool, humid air inside and warming to =
room temperature is well taken.  Relative humidity drops substantially.  =
We use psychrometric charts supplied by the American Society of Heating, =
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers to estimate the effect.  We =
obtain climatological data from =
for a location in the US that we are interested in.  They supply morning =
and evening relative humidity averages by month along with maximum and =
minimum monthly average temperatures for many metropolitan areas.  This =
allows the calculation of a best case scenario for the humidity extremes =
a piano would face in a given location.

Any one interested in finding out more about this can email me off the =
list.  Alternatively I will be discussing this in some detail at my =
classes in Reno.

Roger Wheelock
Executive Vice President
Dampp-Chaser Corporation
828-692-8271 USA
828-692-8272 (FAX)
P.O. Box 1610
Hendersonville  NC 28793

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