FWD: Is complete 5-Part Dampp-chaser unit always necessary?

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 07:23:40 -0400

In my area the complete system will do the *best* job, but there are a couple
reasons why I still sell some clients the partial system.  1.  The piano gets
moved around a lot.  There is too much risk of slopping water out of the tank,
especially in vertical pianos, where the water will end up on piano components.
2.  If money is tight, isn't it better for the client to get half the benefit
rather than none at all?  Believe me, I experienced living with limited
financial resources, so I understand that, and sometimes people have to make

Now to all who sell Dampp-Chaser systems:
    I have considered running a long-term advertising promotion in my area,
probably with ads in the shopper-type papers and offering a special price.  Has
anyone else done this?  If so, how did it work out for you?  Normally I don't
advertise because I have plenty of work already, but I would like to see the
pianos protected better.
    I think some people don't buy the systems simply because they are unfamiliar
with the concept.  Maybe we have to work at improving the situation.

Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA, USA

> Is the humidifier component beneficial in environments where
> the relative humidity never drops below 42%? Since the humidifier is the
> most expensive portion of the system and also the only part that requires
> routine maintenance it is tempting to recommend installing the dehumidifier
> and the humidistat only.  I called dampp-chaser and asked them if they had
> studied the effectiveness this and they said no and that the only system
> they recommend is the complete system. <snip>  I believe in the value of
> humidity control, but am I
> wasting my client's money recommending the 5 part system when a simple 2
> part system might be as effective?
> Sincerely,
> Ryan Sowers RPT
> Puget Sound Chapter<<
> Jeannie Grassi, RPT
> Associate Editor, Piano Technicians Journal
> mailto:jgrassi@silverlink.net

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