Tech on TV Wednesday(OT)

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:00:14 EDT

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In a message dated 6/19/01 7:50:06 AM Central Daylight Time, 
(Carl Meyer) writes:

> So, Terry,  How will we know which is you?  Do you throw your voice or are
> you the dummy?  

When in Los Angles recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Terry Peterson.  I 
was impressed with his set of knowledge and skills although I know he has 
been at the trade a relatively short period of time.

He is slim, with medium brown hair of medium length, medium complexion, tenor 
sounding voice, not a deep baritone.  He looks 30 something although he says 
he's 40 something.  He's a high energy type guy.  The way he can throw his 
voice is nothing short of amazing.

If I could do what he does, I'd make all the pianos "talk".  It's really 
funny and I really wonder how he does that.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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