Just before we go...

Richard Brekne rbrekne@broadpark.no
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 18:47:36 +0200

Couldnt help dropping this one out to you all just before
leaving..... Just in on my desk from the Steinway rep / agent for
Noway... part of his price offer for sale of a Hamburg D with
official references to S&S on his letter head made the following

Translated from the Norwegian...

"Steinway and Sons grand pianos need of course no introduction. I
would, in spite of that, remind (you) that they still build their
instruments in the classic piano building tradition., which imparts
to the soundboard a unique lifespan, 70 to 100 years. This, in
contrast to ordinary grand pianos, where crown disapears after just
a few years. Steinway grand pianos are to be viewed as collectors
items from the day of delivery from the factory"

All in all... I knew I just had to share this with you. This in no
way reflects my own opinons, and I am quite uncertain just how much
Steinway and Sons themselves would support the statement... in which
case they might be interested in making their real position clear on
this matter given the rather official "Steinway and Sons" appearance
to this letter.

Y'all have a good summer now...ya hear ?

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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