My latest tool

Tom Driscoll
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 08:47:24 -0700

Subject: Re: My latest tool

> Take a look at Click on 1x1 model. That is what I
> use. Works perfect for me. Lots of power for cleaning soundboards, etc.
> standard size attachments (although I never seem to use an attachment when
> cleaning a piano!).
> Terry Farrell
> Terry and list,
       I have used that model and personally find it way too loud for me.
Also, it tips over easily and has to be shut off and then on to operate
    I use a red devil model ,similar to the oreck mentioned earlier, and
although not as powerful as the shopvac it does the job .
    The little shopvac is very handy in myshop ,and I dont scare the clients
turning on that little powerhouse.   Tom Driscoll

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