Vacuums (was my latest tool)

Robert Goodale
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 14:46:34 -0500

Joe & Penny Goss wrote:

> Hi Howard,
> I checked on the vac and it will not do the two things that I need in a vac.
> To suck as well as blow.
> The vac that I use is a hand held Orick. While it is not as strong a sucker
> as I would like, and uses a disposable bag, if the bag is removed it can be
> used to blow an action out.

By far the best vac I have ever used for pianos, (portable for on location), is
the Eureka "Mighty-Mite".  This vac has been around for many years and a number
of variations have appeared as the company has released new and improved
models.  This machine both sucks and blows.  It is pretty powerful as far as
small vacs go and it is very light weight.  It seems to be somewhat hard to
find.  Sears currently carries it.  K-Mart and Wal-Mart have had it but only for
a very short time every couple years as an advertised promotion special and then
they are quickly gone again.  If you are shopping for a new portable vac for
pianos, try and locate one of these.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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