grand leg plates

Joseph Alkana
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:15:07 -0700

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Tom Driscoll=20
  Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 1:53 PM
  Subject: Re: grand leg plates

      I recently replaced some plates . These were in the same mortises =
and although  the depth of the mortises was correct the holes did not =
line up for the new plates.=20
      I drilled out the existing holes and glued in hardwood plugs (not =
dowells) Then with the plates  locked together on the leg,  I applied a =
small amount of C.A. to the plate that attatches to the piano--Careful =
not to glue them together !--- then put the leg in place correctly =
positioned , wait for the C.A. to bond, carefully remove the leg and =
there you have it , the leg plate positioned and ready for drilling and =
screws .  Tom Driscoll
    A big ALRIGHT to you. And I might add that you can picture me with =
my hand slapping my forehead saying, "why didn't I think of that?" I =
briefly toyed with using double side masking tape, but the prospect of =
having the silly plate fall off into my face just as I reached for it =
didn't appeal.

    A big thank you!

    Joseph Alkana RPT

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