Holes in hammers

Richard Brekne rbrekne@broadpark.no
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 00:34:56 +0200

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >Do you know why we pack the felt after needling ? it is because , if we
> >don't do that, the sound escape by the holes !
> >
> >Isaac
> And on really hard hammers, the holes will whistle with a hard blow! With
> different sized holes, you can get them to whistle at a different pitches
> to reinforce desirable partials. Tuned voicing, as it were, or a flute duplex.
> Now the question no one has asked. I held back as long as I could.
> How does one split nine holes symmetrically above and below the crown of
> the hammer? Would that be 4.5 holes on either side?

You dont.. I said 9 holes on both shoulders... that would be 3 rows of 3..

> Just trying to make sure I understand the concept.

I gather you got it now :)

> Ron N

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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