Mystery Grand - THE ANSWER

Carol R. Beigel
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:06:06 -0400

Often on grand pianos, the bolts used to attach the back leg are longer than
the bolts used to attach the front legs.  Both longer bolts are probably
meant to attach the rear leg.  Better go back  and check it out.  If the
rear leg falls out from under the piano because it is not securely fastened,
a lot of grief can result!  Many times, piano movers do not realize this and
put all the bolts in one pile!

>but for some reason not very
>clear, one bolt on each side is roughly 1/2" longer (After checking there
>absolutely NO need for the longer bolt)than the other, and if the longer
>bolt is placed in the back part of the front leg, it will "push" up on the
>action, causing the dampers to hang up on the rail bushings, not to mention
>other action problems.

Carol Beigel
Greenbelt, Maryland

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