Mystery grand damper dilemma

Jon Page
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 13:58:57 -0400

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At 10:03 AM 06/15/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>hi List,
>Here's a good one: While testing a new Kohler & Campbell SKG 500 Grand, I 
>noticed that the dampers from the mid section up were very sluggish, and 
>while they would damp the strings, it took much to long for them to come 
>back down to rest on the strings, almost as if in slow motion. So I tested 
>another identical Kohler grand...SAME PROBLEM! But this time it was mostly 
>in the bass section. I did discover the problem, and the remedy was pretty 
>simple. Any guesses as to what was the culprit?

Shifted guide rails.

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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