Danair Email adress

Isaac OLEG SIMANOT oleg-i@wanadoo.fr
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 19:50:00 +0200


For who is interested here is the Email adress of Mr Martin from DANAIR :


Who wrote :

There has been an increasing interest in the Danair Palm Nailer for driving
tuning pins.  In the past we have made some special guides for several piano
manufacturers.  We are currently in the process of manufacturing this guide
again and it will be ready in about 2 weeks.  This guide will allow the pin
to be driven with the wire attached if desired.  It will also leave the pin
standing 3/4" which I feel is what you are interested in.  The guide is also
longer and will allow easier access when driving next to other pins.  The
part number is 109-8-SPL and is $35.95 and I feel it will be more suited to
your requirements than the AS-154 or additional 111 Spacer.
James Martin, VP Sales & Marketing


Isaac OLEG

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